
Professional Growth

At Dixons, we are one trust; we work and grow together. 

Regular Coaching

There is nothing more important to us than developing future leaders and value creators who make a difference to the lives of the young people in our care. 

We have jettisoned appraisal at Dixons. Instead, we want all members of staff to have conversations about performance as an organic part of their work – focusing on fuelling performance in the future rather than evaluating the past (for example, problem solving, goal setting and coaching for improved performance rather than emphasis on formal self-review, written reflections of the past, lengthy descriptions of performance or cumbersome record keeping).

At Dixons, there is a culture of feedback that is impact rather than output driven with a maximum emphasis on staff motivation and self-reflection.

Staff are intrinsically motivated to always get better because of their commitment to our mission.  

Feedback is regular with an emphasis on clarity; all staff receive personalised coaching at least every four weeks.

Decoupling performance and pay

Given that we have jettisoned traditional appraisal, we have also decided to end the link between pay progression and performance management. Pay progression at Dixons is now automatic and not specifically linked to performance.

Many different analyses have shown that, overall, performance pay has a negligible effect on teacher performance, if any. We also know that the repeated use of external motivators, such as pay, will suppress intrinsic motivation in the long run - negating our commitment to self-determination.

Find out more about our Professional Growth principles here.

Centre for Growth

The Centre for Growth leads on professional development for staff across our entire trust, which includes teaching and associate staff.  It is also home of Bradford Research School, part of the EEF Research Schools Network.  Our Centre for Growth works to provide training for all Dixons staff to help them to get better in their roles.  We work hard to make our development relevant, supportive, practical and evidence-informed. 

Our Centre for Growth professional development offer incorporates statutory, technical and behavioural training, ranging from facilitating the Early Career Framework and NPQs for teachers, to our own leadership programmes, Mindfulness training and Women in Education network and induction training for associate staff new in role.  Find out more about our Centre for Growth here.

Partner Organisations

At Dixons, our national profile facilitates professional development opportunities across career stages.   

We work with only the highest performing partner organisations at the vanguard of educational thinking. 

As an indicative example, whether writing for, facilitating or delivering training, we have sustained relationships with: